Green Concept Policy
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I.M.V. S.P.A. produces cold forged articles according to customers’ specifications since 1967.
The company is always sensitive to environmental issues that concern the territory where it was born and is located: Quero Vas, province of Belluno, along the river Piave. This attention has been reinforced over the years due to the strengthened sensitivity of our customers to these issues, enough to bring I.M.V. S.P.A. in 2008 to achieve the certification for the Environmental Management in accordance with ISO 14001.
Over the years, the products range and their related markets have increased and changed widely.
These markets, partly international, are always more environmentally friendly and require guarantees and a continued commitment by suppliers.
For all these reasons, I.M.V. decided to continue to invest and work to improve its environmental performance.
Environmental Management System
From an examination of the business context, the organization has identified the following issues to take into account in the managing and implementation of the Environmental Management System:
1. a) Pay attention to respect his mandatory compliance, in particular:
- Environmental legislative requirements (D.Lgs 152/2006 and other environmental laws)
- Administrative liability for crimes (D.Lgs 231/2001)
- Regulations in terms of job and machinery security (D.Lgs 81/2008)
- REACH, RHOS e others specific products standards
- Ethical Business Management
2. Prevent pollution:
- Evaluation of the environmental impact at the end of life of products
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of suppliers
- Sustainable purchasing (paper and wood packaging, electricity from renewable sources, consumables)
- Using of returnable packaging
- Particular attention to the logistic management of worldwide deliveries
3. Invest to improve the performance:
- Investment in competent and qualified personnel
- Investment in buildings, machinery and human resources
- Control of energy and raw material use

This Policy represents the reference frameworks to set specific targets for the Environment, that shall be monitored and analyzed continuously through performance indicators.
The Policy will be reviewed and updated periodically, as far as appropriate and necessary, at least once a year during the Review of the Directorate for Environment.
Via Feltrina, 24
Setteville (BL)
P.IVA e C.F. 00641570254